Friday, May 28, 2010

4? Old Roommates Reunite

Since 2005, there hasn't been too many chances for my former roommates and I from the Pinewood house to get together in one place at the same time. Sure, Jim, Wayne, Lucas, and I will meet and interact and see one another, but not usually all at once. Lucas lives in Denver CO now. Jim was on an ex-pat work assignment to London/Europe until recently. Wayne has been off in France for language studies before his June 8th departure to Senegal. Sure the roommates have seen each other one on one over the past 5 years, but all together in one place at the same time, or even 3 of them together at the same time is quite rare. It happened but it will begin to happen less possibly.

Regardless, tonight we almost had it like old times. Not to say that the current times are not good, because they are good, but Wayne and Jim were over tonight, and who should call, out of the blue, Lucas. Lucas was jealous not to be here for sure. But it was so odd since Wayne and I had just been inquiring what Lucas was up to before Jim arrived, and then Lucas called. Thanks for the call Lucas. He got to talk to us all.

Jim commented after seeing Addie (Wayne's daughter) giggling with Charlotte, "who would have thought 5 years ago you'd be seeing your daughters play together on the floor?"

Weddings, missions, work, life... they take you and your friends all over the place. True friends will always remain. I like to tell high school graduates that if you don't put effort into maintaining friendships then you often see them disappear. Not that you aren't friends. It's just put on hold. "Hold" isn't fun. You can always pick up where you left off, but what if you forget where you left off?

Anyhow, I'm glad for the Pinewood years with those particular Christian brothers. They've had a positive impact on me since arriving in Dallas and for that I'll ever be grateful. It has marked a 1/4 of my life.

I'm thankful for God's timing too. At different times and different scenarios I've needed these brothers's fellowship (probably more than they realize) and this was one of those times. Things may not always be clear, but God knows what is needed to help us lift our spirits along the way in rough downtrodden spots in our lives. There's a truckload of sorrows and hurts and disappointments out there and for the Creator of the universe to hear our prayers and answer them (sometimes in ways we weren't expecting) it just goes to show that he's the best friend to have all along the way.

Revisionist Family History Photo #5

Fort Worth, TX (1967) - Once Uncle Donald found Canada on the map in shop class he decided he should check it out. We know he made it as far north as Indiana, Michigan, and Russia. Pretty close if you ask me. Would love to know if he's made it.

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Playing With Paper - Is there anything more fun?

Revisionist Family History Photo #4

Unknown location and time - I researched the origins of how Ms. Clarice, the mother of our babysitter who sometimes babysat us too, obtained a riot helmet that she eventually gave to the Smith boys to play with. This photo is our only clue.

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Revisionist Family History Photo #3

Baltimore, MD (1990) - When I was in fifth grade, my mom, the PTA president showed up to Oliver Beach Elementary School in an Easter Bunny outfit. Each kid in the school got their picture with my mom while sitting on her lap. She left promptly thereafter. She revealed later that it was quite hot in the costume thus corroborating her need to return the outfit quickly before the place she rented it closed.

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Revisionist Family History Photo #2

Sturgis, MI (1973) - Dad was pretty proud when his 3 sons found time to skateboard years later. Little did he know this Polaroid would surface and make his sons even prouder.

Thursday, May 20, 2010

TWMHTHS #6: Dulce de Leche Coffee Goodness!

O my goodness. You are not going to believe this. Think fireworks in your mouth.

Some background. I didn't used to drink coffee until about a year ago. I was too tired in the mornings and being a morning person, I needed some help and finally took the plunge. So I told my wife that I was going to begin to drink coffee by going to an Original Pancake House where I always enjoyed a taste from my wife's mug. Their coffee is something special. You can even buy a bag of it on your way out the door.

Ever since, I've tried a few coffees here and there of different varieties with different flavored creamers. My favorite has been Starbucks Sumatra with Coffee-mate's vanilla creamer (sorry International Delight fans, their creamer tastes too much like chemicals to me). A regular 2 Run HR in my book. But I'm not a coffee nerd so don't think of me as an authority. However, I do know what I enjoy.

So, if I were to look for a Grand Slam in the Coffee realm of food, I have found my new standard. Thanks to my wife, I was introduced to this tasty creation as photographed. So good. Victoria found the Dulce de Leche Coffee recipe from the Pioneer Woman's website where you can now easily see the recipe. I used to think the only good thing Kahlua was good for was my favored character's White Russians. But this, this Dulce de Leche Coffee is fantastic. So creamy smooth. So flavorful. I like the warm coffee right under the lip which is grazed with the cold whip cream topping. It makes for an unbelievable fine desert menu item if you ask me. I just could not recommend this more. Be sure to use dark chocolate shavings too. I think my wife accidentally picked up an almond Hershey bar. But it was still delicious. You just can't argue with a Grand Slam.

By the way, if you can't find the Dulce de Leche try your local Fiesta Mart.

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Revisionist Family History Photo #1

Cambridge, MN - On the back of this photo someone has affixed a piece of tape with the words "Conniption of 1938." You've heard the phrase "Walk it off." Well, my grandma's Great Aunt Suzanna heeded her late father's advice to "Swing it out" all her life. This one lasted 3 days 6 hours and 32 minutes. Thankfully her friends, Matilda and Lucinda Marie, knew what to do.

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Growing up so fast!

Little gymnast in the make? (We didn't place her in this position - she got there all on her own.)

Let's just say we learned the hard way.