Friday, November 30, 2012

Cy - One and a Half Laps Around the Sun

Dear Cy,
The first thing that comes into my mind when I think of you is your smile. Your bright blue eyes and your wonderfully round baby cheeks and that grin that stretches wide across your face. You are such a fun little boy and most of the time really just want to play, with whoever is game. Most of the time your sister is in range, but unfortunately she is rarely game. I've had to explain to her often that you're a boy and you just really love to play rough, and that you try real hard to be gentle, but often it's really hard to do. And you are all boy, too. You love just about any positive attention you can get and if we work at it even a little, making you laugh can usually get you to do most anything. It's often tough to tell when you're sick because even then you try to be in a good mood.

A few things you love to do as of recently: terrorizing your sister (well, that's been happening since you were mobile, but it's still a favorite of yours); chasing her around the house as she's pushing the popper (you'll even bring her the popper and beg her to play with you); reading all the colors, animals, and food board books; reading truck books; playing with trucks, cars and trains; taking baths; getting "cook" (cookies); playing with all the pots and pans in the kitchen; trying on shoes; and playing in the dirt at the park or virtually anywhere you can find dirt. Oh and playing in the dryer.

It seems like you're growing at a rate faster than it seems possible in nature right now. Every day I see a new part of who you are and the little person you're becoming. You're very strong willed and definitely one to take initiative. You'll take the coloring books out of the bag, get out the crayons, and start coloring all on your own before I've even noticed what you've gotten into. If you want to do something, you just do it. But, surprisingly, you do a great job sharing your toys when you play. If Charlotte comes to play with you, you'll gladly let her jump in and play along, not caring if she's taken one of the trains you've been playing with or building on the block tower you've been working on. You just love it when she plays with you and any attention she gives you. I pray every day that you two will grow up to be good friends with one another and that soon she'll enjoy being with you as much as you enjoy being with her. She's been starting to play with you more often and you couldn't be more thrilled. You still go straight for her hair if she's doing something you don't like, but it is happening less often than in the past, and you're quick to give hugs and kisses as an apology.

Some of my favorite times with you are cuddles before naps and when you climb right into my lap with a book in a very determined way. I love it when you wave at just about any stranger you see at the grocery store, and how excited you are when you're eating your favorite foods (swaying back and forth in your chair with a big smile on your face). I love seeing you play in the bathtub and figure out new ways the water can pour from one cup to another or splash around your body. I love seeing you try to say new things every day and so bold in your attempts to pronounce new words. I love that you have a very certain opinion about what shoes you want to wear each day and pajamas at night. I love how excited you get when you hear the skype phone ring and you know you get to see your grandparents on the computer. I love your sweet kisses to your Dad when he leaves for work and how you always want to waver goodbye to him as he's leaving down the walk. I love how you love to have Dad put you to bed at night and that he gets to have that special time with you. I LOVE your laugh and how contagious it is. I love to see you and your Dad roughhousing at the end of each day when he gets home from work and how you just soak up every moment of it.  I love going into your bedroom at the end of each day, after you've fallen asleep, and for a sweet tender moment, watching your little chest rise and fall as you drift deeper into sleep.

Cy, I just love you so very much. It is such an indescribable blessing having you in our lives. You add so much joy, laughter, and delight to our lives. There are also many challenges and tough times, but it is in those times the Lord is teaching me to be a better mother and hopefully teaching you more about Him. I pray at the end of the day, there is some moment you will keep in your heart each day that reminds you how deep and high and wide is the love of Christ. I pray each of those moments will be stored up as in a treasure chest in your heart, so that one day you will open it and won't be able to help but allow the love of Christ to flow over you and seep deep into your heart. I pray you will welcome Him with open arms and follow Him all the days of your life. I pray every day that I might do my job well and teach you more and more about his love for you. I pray I won't let life and this world get in the way of that one most important task.

I thank the Lord for you every day, Cy.

I love you,