Charlotte with her new love, Pooh Bear. Her Grandma Taylor got her a Pooh video and now she just adores her little Pooh and jumps around the house most of the day like Tigger. |
Charlotte associates most colors with Thomas the Train characters. So, on this day she was wearing her "Toby" shirt, pants and boots. |
A little self-portrait fun. |
Daddy attack! In all fairness, they're "helping" rub Daddy's back. |
Charlotte on her little "Percy" motorcycle at church. |
Toy dump day at the Smith house. |
Saving some for later. My sweet little blue eyes. |
I love seeing Charlotte in some of Kellie's clothes!!! Brings back memories. :) She wore that brown shirt her 2nd day at home when we went to the park for the first time as a family. :) And she loved the poodle sweatshirt! I'll have to show her these pictures tonight b/c we talk about giving her clothes to Charlotte when they're too little, just like she gets to wear Lacey's clothes when they're too little... :)