Monday, March 1, 2010

TWMHTHS #5: Shredded Beef Sandwiches!

The Correll family provided us with a kind stash of shredded beef sandwiches during our first month of parenthood. It was such a hit that Victoria snaked the recipe from Sarah... well, not quite stolen, but you get the drift. Turns out Sarah got it from Rebecca Novakovich. What "comes around goes around" I guess (tell that to Sarah's husband, Lenny, who has made it to the Nationals title game in Ultimate Frisbee... frisbees go 'round... never mind .... it was a connection in my mind).

This here shredded beef sandwich is pretty unassuming. But looks are deceiving here. You will want more. And you'll be a tad thirsty from the crock pot saltiness full of the flavor of the fat juices it has been drenched in all day long as it cooked and tickled the nose. It is an easy Triple ready to be an inside the park HR with a little more effort. Add your favorite chip, preferably Nacho Cheese Doritos in this case, and a tasty beverage of your choosing (I think I had a Hornsby's Hard Cider Amber Draft) and you'll have that run scored in no time with even less effort.

It makes for easy and good leftovers too. Take it to work and reheat the meat in the plastic bag briefly before the bag melts and place it on a fresh bun and you'll be sitting there in front of your coworkers with a lunchtime smile and they really won't know why. It's because your taste buds have transported you to some fun moment in time with the guys or some sort of manly setting. Your little staycation at work! A great way to break up the day and that's just as a leftover not the first serving of the potential run score. The Correll's have 4 boys and Lenny assures me that it's a constant staple at their house. Many praises to the fine ladies who just know the simplicity of a good shredded beef sandwich on a man's heart.

P.S. if you'd like the recipe shoot my wife a request for it at and be sure to ask for it kindly and post a reply to this blog after you've tasted the goodness I'm talking about.

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