Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Oh, the HUNGER!!

I recently told Peter that we're going to have to take note to put money aside for about six weeks in the first trimester and also for six weeks prior to having the baby. The reason - hunger! Questionable crazy hunger in the beginning and then switches to ravenous hunger at the end. In the first trimester I had the problem of not being able to bring my lunch to work because what sounded good in the morning made me want to hurl by noon that day. I could only manage to eat whatever sounded appealing to me at that very moment. At this point in the pregnancy I have moments where nothing seems to satisfy me, or better yet, no amount of food will satisfy. For example, this morning, had my honey nut shredded wheat (usually gets me to about 10am). 10am hits, hunger!! I try to stave it off with my celery and peanut butter....nothing....add a cup of grapes.....nothing.....add to that two whole wheat fig bars.....yup, you guessed it, it's as if I hadn't eaten anything at all. Then I think I can hear the baby saying, "Woman, are you crazy?! You call that food? FEED ME!!!" So, I decided that I'd rather answer the call of this little person with a hunger vengence in my womb with something substantial, than torture it with the idea of food I have planned for lunch, which is a microwave meal. So, I head down to the food court and order a cheesesteak sub with fries, and oh my goodness, is it wonderful! Now, a half hour later, I can imagine this little one all kicked back dozing off with a peaceful smile on its face. And it has the hiccups.

I normally am pretty tight with money and like to spend as little as possible, but I think this is the Lord's way of making me relax a little and continue to trust him with his provision and abundant blessing in our lives. Because, after all, I hear it only gets worse with breastfeeding.

On a side note, we had another sonogram yesterday and all looks well with the little one. I'm measuring about a week and a half small, but considering everyone on my mom's side of the family is barely pushing 5'2", I figure we're okay. The baby is around five pounds and all the fluid levels look good. We've got about four weeks left!!

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